Together with Aleksandar Matic, I recently made an overview of the different Ubicomp technologies for mental health, which has been done over the last decade. The paper has just been published in the IEEE Pervasive Computing Magazine. But unfortunately, the supplementary material with references to all the 46 systems is missing. You can access this here.
Mental health represents a huge disease and societal burden and a significant body of research in ubiquitous computing has been devoted to the design of technologies for continuous monitoring, diagnosis, and care of mental health conditions.
The paper [1] reviews a decade of research into technologies for mental health, focusing on the use of mobile and wearable technology. The review found 46 systems which are analyzed in a historical context and discussed according to which mental disorder they target, the type of technology, and the type and size of the clinical studies they have been used in.

The paper also presents input from nine leading researchers in the domain and discuss the important technical and clinical challenges in the design of ubiquitous computing technology for the next decade.
Supplementary Material
Table 1 in the paper lists all 46 systems. However, due to the limits to the number of citations in the IEEE PvC Magazine format, there was no room for all the references to the different systems. Hence, this was put in a supplementary material document. In the paper we reference this supplementary material.
Unfortunately, this material never made it to the IEEE Xplore web site….
Therefore the table AND all the references are included in the supplementary document listed below for download [2] .
author = {Bardram, Jakob E and Matic, Alexandar},
doi = {10.1109/MPRV.2019.2925338},
issn = {1558-2590},
journal = {IEEE Pervasive Computing},
pages = {1--11},
title = {{A Decade of Ubiquitous Computing Research in Mental Health}},
year = {2020}
title={{A Decade of Ubiquitous Computing Research in Mental Health - Supplementary Material}},
author = {Bardram, Jakob E and Matic, Alexandar},
note={Available from},